Sunday, December 16, 2012

Aspetta per un settimana piu

ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL WINTER BREAK! Unless we die before then, Mayan probs..... But you will have to wait until then for an update cause I dont have much time and not much to say yet! So give me a week! <3 Sorry for the wait!

Love you all! Ti voglio bene <3

P.S. <3 <3 <3 mi dispiace.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Therapy of Writing

When someone iss stressed they typically do something to get all their worries off their mind. Maybe they run, sing, dance, act, or simply read a book to feel better. I was always told as a child that writing your feelings could help in that they wouldn't build up into one big issue. I of course, being the stubborn girl I am, never listened. So now here I am, after having a slight nervous breakdown, writing on my blog because it makes me feel better.

Now don't worry, I am not going crazy and I also have no intentions of making this a lasting feeling. I am just super stressed as many exchange students get during this time of year. Maybe you all don't understand in that you all have not left home for a year, or maybe some of you have and you completely understand. I am not sure, but either way, writing is my way to deal with the stress and that is exactly what I am doing. I was also told by some of my friends that I needed to share my thoughts and feelings and although I have always been good at that verbally, I have never been one to want to share my writing. I feel like it is easier to be judged when the person isn't looking you in the eyes and really knowing your feelings. So I am trying my best to explain these feelings in my writing.

Another reason I am writing is because I have not updated in so long and I know you all just hate having nothing to read ;) I hope you can sense the sarcasm in that. My life may seem quite interesting, and well to be quite honest, it is, but it is definitely no Nicholas Sparks novel and I am sure that this can get quite boring to all of you. This post won't be much of an update, but more of a venting session in which I practically talk to myself. Maybe you are reading up to here and realize this has no importance to you, and that is totally okay with me! Feel free to stop at anytime, no harm done!

Now I am sure my mother and my counselors are reading this and thinking, oh goodness, Kari is going crazy, but I promise you all I am fine :) Life couldn't be any better and I love Italy more than I ever thought I could. But with Christmas coming up, it is definitely hard not to think about homem and my family. Every exchange student gets this way, and I have been told it is completely normal, so no worries. I would never even consider coming home at this point because I love it so much, I am not sure I ever want to come back. Mom this should be a bigger concern to you ;) So in this next few minutes I will try to explain to all of you the feelings any typical exchange student is going through right now, as I have seen in myself and other students here in Cremona and all over the world.

1) Proud that they have lasted 3 months. Who would have ever thought you could get on a plane and just leave your life and everything you have ever known for a year full of unexpected twists and turns. And now that I have been here for three months, I see how much stronger I have become and it makes me a little self proud... but I promise I am not getting an ego ;)

2) Scared to death. Anyone who has left home for any amount of time gets a little nervous knowing it will be some time before they see their loved ones again. Especially when they miss a big event such as a holiday or birthday. I have already missed a few holidays and birthdays, including my own and that can definitely cause some stress. Exchange students are scared that they will miss out on an important family tradition or event that maybe they will never get the chance to witness simply because it was a once in a lifetime thing.

3) Excited. I know I am excited to see what the next seven months has to offer, as I am sure every other student is.

4) Homesick. Only to the slightest because maybe now we are realizing that we are missing out on Christmas at home... something some people may take forgranted. But then again, it is hard to be TOO homesick because well... I live in Italy. I love you all though and don't think this means that I don't miss you all ;)

5) TOO MANY EMOTIONS FOR ANY ONE HUMAN BEING. Sorry for all the caps... I just needed to emphasis this point ;) I swear I go through about 35 emotions in any given day, and I didn't even know that was possible. But again, I am still overwhelmingly lucky and happy to be here.

I only listed a few emotions... but I am pretty sure number 5 gives you an idea on how difficult but also rewarding this experience is as a whole. So maybe this will give you an insight as to how our lives work. It isn't all travel and fun and games but the outcome is something I will NEVER regret and I know that this experience is only making me a better person, regardless of the challenges I have to overcome.

As I have said many many times, I am so very thankful for every single opportunity that was so graciously placed at my feet and I will rememeber these experiences, good and bad for the rest of my life. <3 Thanks for taking the time to read this incredibly long and maybe a tad insane post... Love and miss you all.

With much love and thanks, Kari Porter <3

P.S. Mom, I am fine and there is absolutely no need to worry, because I know you do that so very well ;)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cibo di Italia.... Questo Mi Piace

The title is TERRIBLE Italian so don't judge me! I tried to say... Food of Italy.... This I like... I know it isn't perfect and it probably never will be... but hey I'm learning some ;)

So this past weekend we went to a festival known as the Feste di Torrone. It is the most famous festival in Cremona because Cremona is known for it's Torrone! It was created here! :) It is made of honey, sugar, nuts, and other delicious things. I actually like it alot.

This is Torrone... It doesn't look so great but I promise it is good! So this is what the festival was centered around!

Also a TON of exchange students came to the festival... so I got to see all my lovely exchangers and meet some new ones as well. There were kids from Sardinia and it was pretty cool to hear about the differences in the south. They stayed the whole weekend so we got to spend a lot of time with them and show them the city as well! It was great! Now I will ppost a few pictures to excite your visual senses ;) Creative statement I think. <3

 This is just a small idea of how we all act in public... From left to right, Tessa- North Carolina, Chris- Missouri (repping the midwest ;)), Me!, Esther- Germanyyyyyyy! <3 Love these kids more than anything!

 My lovely friend Connor! Yes we are really this weird.. Breadstick mustaches are typical occurances at dinner in public. That's what us Midwest kids do... what can we say? ;)

 This picture KILLS me! I think it is so freaking funny! This is Kenneth from Sardinia! He is originally from Washington! He didn't know I was taking this and that is why it is SO funny!

 My girl Anna! From New York! Love her to death! She lives three hours away which makes me sad... but spending the weekend with her was awesome! :) Come visit me soon love <3

 Chowing on some cannolis with my girl Gwen, from Seattle, Washington :) Literally the BEST Italian food I have had... I could have ate 1,000.

 If this doesn't describe my eating problem... I don't know what does... ;)

 Not this weekend... but this was the 50 euros we found lying in the street... so what did we buy you may ask? Food... DUH! <3

That's all for now! More to come soon! Love and miss you all! <3 Kari!

***Ciao ragazzi! Ci vediamo!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Milano for a day.

Well as you can tell by the title... I went to Milan for a day with Kayleigh, another exchange student. We went with her host family to shop!!! Every girls dream of course ;) And let me tell you, it was like I was in heaven. Almost cried walking in Zara... it was sad. But I had an amazing time and managed to make it out without breaking my bank! I will post a few pictures from our trip. But this post will be short and sweet :)

 Kayleigh and I in front of the Galleria!

 Louis... yes this is real life and yes it was like being in heaven. However I couldn't bring myself to go in for the fact that I would leave completely depressed.

 Just about the only store I could afford.. But it was SUPER cool! Loved it!

 The entrance to a 5 story Zara... aka, the gates of heaven.

 Abercrombie model... Oh heyyy gorgeous. ;)

 Inside the Duomo, seriously breathtaking.

 Kayleigh and I, outside the Duomo... Yes, it really is as beautiful as it seems. Actually way more beautiful in person. I can't explain it.

Well that is all for now. I have more on Facebook if you are curious! I will post soon! Until then, ciao ci vediamo belli ;) -Kari <3

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Okay, I have had a longggg month. Lots of rough times or things that seemed like they would ruin this experience for me... But I am still breathing and alive to tell you that nothing in the world could ruin this for me. Stupid boys and dumb drama back home means nothing to me because I am here. My mind is in Italy and that is where it needs to be. I wanted to write a post because I know you all love reading them ;) and also because I need to let you know of a few things I have come to realize in these past two months. Things I think I should've known a long time ago, but was too blind to see.

Here goes nothing,
1) Life goes on. I say this to myself constantly... and I always try to convince myself it is true but I have never believed it until now. People will break your heart and life will leave you in the dust... wondering what the hell is happening. We all have these experiences when we are pretty sure our whole world is crashing... but what I've come to realize is that these things are so minor in the long run. Move on and breathe because it does get easier. I have had some of the worst nights here where all I want is to be home... nights where I honestly didn't sleep because all I needed was a hug from my mom, but the next morning I wake up and realize where I am... I walk out and see the tallest bell tower in Europe. I wake up to someone speaking Italian. I eat cookies for breakfast because that is normal here. I go to school and make new friends every single day.... I couldn't be more lucky. So I have realized that dwelling on the past gets me no where.

2) The friends who stay by you when things are going bad are the ones who will be there for you when things couldn't be any better. My best friends back in Kansas have stuck with me through all of this and this whole roller coaster of emotions. I have put my friends through so much to get to this point and I owe them my life for all the support they have constantly given. Thank you so much Harley and Paige... I love you girls more than anyting and I miss you more than words can say. Along with them, the friends I have met here will be lifelong friends and I know that. Connor, Kayleigh, Tessa, Regan, Lenny, Esther, DeWayne, Gwen, Ilsa, Josiane, and Tianmai... I love you guys so much, You have been here to laugh and cry with me and every single one of you means the world to me. The main point of this is to say thank you. I have realized that I could not have better friends to get me through this crazy, whirlwind year I am in.

3) A realization that has been two months in the making.... I AM IN ITALY! I am living my dream... and I couldn't be any more exstatic, probs spelled that wrong, to be doing so. Anyone who has helped me get here is forever in my heart. I say this a lot and maybe it is getting a bit redundant, but I couldn't get here without all the help I have recieved. So thank you everyone, even if it is simply just giving me well wishes and staying updated on my life. Thank you sooooo sooo much. You have improved my life and changed it for the better and I cannot thank you enough.

This post was mainly because I finally have realized that life is perfect for me right now... no matter what happens, I am in Italy and that isn't changing anytime soon. I think this is making me a better person and showing me that life has challenges you just have to run at them knowing you ocan make it... Thanks for reading my blog and listening to me rant constantly :) Hope all is well wherever you are at! Love and miss everyone! More post soon to come. Happy Halloween and best of wishes to everyone! <3 With much love and thanks, Kari.

*Ciao a tutti, grazie mille per questo experienza. Te amo. <3 Mi Italiano e` molto horribile. Mi dispiace. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The title of this post is Red, because Taylor Swift's new CD came out and it is the best CD I have ever heard in my entire life. I love her more than words can describe. Literally obsessed... it's creepy. But anyyywayyysss! Back to the whole reason I am posting... well frankly it's because I live in this place called Italy ;) I can't even describe how much I love it here... I don't think I would trade this for anything. I know I say that alot, but I really mean it. I love it more than anything here... and everything that makes this difficult is outweighed by the pure beauty of this country. You don't understand beauty until you live in a place with soooo much history and architecture, and mountains, and the sea... and grapes, and Italian people in general. Never in my life have I met such amazing people. I will always have a special place in my heart for Italians... I think after this I will consider myself part Italian. I hope my children will get to experience something like this because it truly has changed my life. Two months in and I have learned so much not only about this place, but myself. My confidence has been boosted a thousand percent.. I am so much more open and I love being around new people now. I honestly am a completely different person in a totally good way.

Now lets see, I feel like a lot has happened since I last posted, but honestly, so much happens in a day it is hard to keep up. I already posted some pictures of Monterosso but none of the scenery really so now I will post a few of those. FOr those of you who don't know, Monterosso is one of the five towns in Cinque Terra. They line the west coast of Italy along the Mediterranian sea. It is the most beautiful place I have EVER been in my entire life. So here are a few pictures... :)

This is the view from near the top of a mountain overlooking the sea. And yes the water was that blue. No editing done :)

 One of the towns in Cinque Terra, soooo beautiful. I took all of these pictures on a small digital camera and they still look this beautiful.... that is how stunning it truly was.

 Proof I was actually here ;) Me reppin' K-State! You're welcome Molls <3 LOVE YOUUUU!

So there is a few pictures so you know just how truly beautiful it actually was there. Now I will post a few random pictures of random things I do in this lovely town of Cremona <3

 My two favorite people in this lovely country :) Connor and Kayleigh!!!! We went to a school party and lets just say it was practically a club lol. So we are nasty looking cause it was soooo hot in there. But it was sooo cool to see how Italians have fun. Definitely something new hahah.

 This gives you an idea of how many people were here... about 800... yep. My mom was a little concerned when I showed her lol. But I am very proud to say I didn't break a single Rotary rule! You should be proud of me Robert and Stephen! I always follow the rules! :)

 Me going down a slide... I love this picture... it shows how crazy the exchange students act in public lol.

That's about all the pictures I have for now! And I am Skyping my mommy so I gotta goooo! Until next time <3 Kari!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Still Neglecting...

Sorry guys, my camera seems to hate me and refuses to let me upload pictures... So I will post my top 5 fave pictures from this amazing weekend in Cinque Terra. And will share the lovely video that my lovely Tessa made <3 I can't even explain how beautiful this place was. I want to go bac so bad. But for now I will let the pictures speak and I will create a REALLLLYYYYYY long post soon... Promise youuuu! <3
 EVERYONEEEE! Four districts and 55 crazy students.... Love these kids <3

 Literally obsessed with this picture. The water was SO SO SO blue! And I am seriously considering on using this for a senior picture. Compliments of Tessa's camera and Regan's photography.

 Love this because it is soooo photographic. Me and Chris and Connor and Kayleigh. Love themmmmm <3

 Same people :)

 My girl Tessa, the most amazing photographer I know <3 LOVE YOUUUUUUUU!!!

 All the lovely ladies and Connor... we make him look soooo good! ;)

 Love this picture too. My cartwheel sucked but I loveee the background... Nothing like seeing the Meditteranian as you cartwheel... And Connor ruined it... cool jerk.
And the videoooo! Watch and enjoy. Compliments of Tessa <3

None of these I can take credit for lol. So thank you Tessa and Regan for all these lovely pictures! <3

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Neglecting to Post Excuses. :)

Okay guys, here is my lovely excuses to why I have been neglecting to post...
-Too lazy.
-Too busy.
-Too hard.
-Too much gelatto.
-Too much to do.
-Not enoough time.
-Too many pictures.
-Too many people to see.
-Too many plans.
So I sincerely apologize that I have neglected you all. Love and miss you and I promise to post as soon as possible. Right after my lovely trip to Cinque Terra this weekend :) Which happens to be this.....

So you can see why I won't be posting this weekend. But I promsie to update with many pictures as soon as physically possible! MUCH LOVE! <3 Kari

Friday, September 28, 2012

When Latin Gives You Lemons

So right now let me just tell you how pumped I am. I wake up superrrr lateee from pure exhaustion. My host parents and I went to a violin concert last night and it lasted supperrr late so I barely got much sleep. I practically want to bang my head against the wall, not kidding. SO I wake up and rush through my routine knowing school is going to kill me today. I am praying that the day goes fast and I can just go home and sleep. I get to school, already wanting to jump out the window... I hate Italian school. Luckily I had English first period. I love my English teacher so I wasn't complaining. Then after Latin.... boo. I hate it. But I found out that they were taking a TWO HOUR TEST! If I had to sit through that class for two hours I was going to jump out the window. Don't doubt it. But thanks to my lovely English teacher they sent me to the computer lab to screw around and get on facebook while the class took their test!!! :) So currently I am in the computer lab, loving life :) So I figured I would give a few more updates and pictures since recently I have been slacking a little bit.... :) Sorry 'bout it. I am a busy girl! But here goes nothing.

Let's talk food, shall we? American's have a veryyyyy wrong idea on Italian food. We always assume that what we eat at Olive Garden is the real deal. But let me tell ya, it definitely is not. Of course there is pizza, and pasta, and gelato. That is all very true. But there isn't Alfredo, which I was actually pretty dissapointed about. And there isn't spaghetti and meatballs like we know and love. The pasta is different, but so much better. And the pizza is 20 times better. Pepperoni here means peppers... so don't order that. And the only cheese they use is Mozzerella. So no three cheese or 15 meats or all that crazy stuff. but here there are at least 50 kinds of different pizza at every pizzeria you go to. And it is all SO good! The other day I wanted a change, so us exchange students decided to take Connor's word that this Turkish place was amazing. Turkish food... something I have never tried. So we went and had sandwiches. The place is called Kebob and the meat is literally a massive Kabob that they shave off of. I asked what the meat was and Connor refused to tell us until after we ate. So being the daring person that I am... I ate it. Turns out it was 80 percent lamb.... I almost cried. I felt really bad. But let me tell you, it was the best sandwich I have ever had. And that is no lie.
So here is a lovely picture of me eating this sandwich....  I look suppperrrr cute. I know ;) The creepy looking guy in the background is the Turkish guy and he was AWESOME. Although he was disappointed we didn't speak Italian or Turkish... Lol.  This is the sandwich we ate. Courtesy of Tessa's AMAZING photography. But it seriously was sooooo good!  And a lovely picture of Kayleigh chowing down. She will kill me for this. I think it's a cute picture ;)

Moving on, because I knowing seeing that sandwich made you all soooooo jealous ;) Uhmm... I feel like I haven't posted a picture of all the exchangers yet, so here is one from some supppperrrr boring dinner we were forced to go to ;)
 From left to right, Tianmai-Oregon, Connor-Missouri, DeWayne-Arkansas, Josiane-Canada, Regan-Minnesota, ME!-KANSAS <3, Tessa-North Carolina, Esther-Germany, Lenny-New York, Kayleigh- New York, and Ilsa-Texas. That is all of us that live in or around Cremona! :) I love all of these people, as I have said many times.

Okay, now I want to be serious. As an exchange student, everyone says you have that moment when you are like, oh my gosh, this is where I am supposed to be. Like this is the point when they realize that all of this is real and it is their life. Although I haven't had that EXACT moment yet, last night I had that feeling that what I was doing and where I am is exactly where I need to be. I finally realized that i could not be more lucky. I complaing soooo much about how hard the language is and how hard school is, but I realized... I could not be more lucky and God has blessed me beyond belief. Many people don't get this experience to travel. they don't get to see the world simply because they aren't given the opportunity. And the fact that the opportunity was laid at my feet blows me away. Before this I never would have said, I am going to travel, I want to be different. but now I know that being different and traveling is something I should feel privileged to be able to do. I cannot thank everyone enough for everything they have done to get me to this point. Any person who has made this a possibility will forever be in my heart. Rotary Youth Exchange is something I wish everyone could experience and I am so glad that I am a person who gets to be apart of this. I am truly blessed.

Here are a few pictures of the people that made this a possiblity <3 Thank you guys so much. And to people not pictured, just know that I am equally as thankful for your support as well.
 My friends and my boyfriend gave me more support than I could have ever asked for. They sacraficed seeing me for a year, so that I could live my dream and I thank them so much for that. I am truly blessed to have such great people in my life. Thank you guys and I love and miss you more than anything.

 This little girl right here helped me so much to get to this point. From countless hours of sitting outside stores fundraising, to her just telling me how much she loved me and how she was so excited for me... She was such a big help in making this a possibilty. I love you Kell and I miss you <3 And everyone tell her congrats on finishing her cross country races, that is a sport many people can't do and this little girl is a pretty good runner ;)

 My big sissy <3 I love and miss her almost more than anyone else, no offense ;) She is my rocka dn this girl is the one who told me that no matter what I could do it. She constantly told people to help me fundraise, she told me when I was doubting it, that it was what I needed to do. She has been there for me when I didn't think I could make it this far. I lvoe her so much. Thank you Molly so much <3

 The man who made this a dream for me. Along with Stephen Wheatley who I don't have a picture of! Don't think I am forgetting you Stephen! :) These two men did everything they could to get me here. And I am so thankful for everything they did. Rotarians truly are the nicest people I have ever met.
 My parents. They did everything in their power to get me to this point. From fundraising to countless hours of telling me I could do it. If I doubted it they told me that I could and I love them so much for that. Thank you guys, so much.

 My aunt and grandma. They gave me more support than I could ever ask for and I am so grateful for that. Thank you guys so much and I love you and miss you like crazy! <3

So there are just a few people who made this dream a possibility. I have to go now, but thank you all so much for your constant support and love. <3 Best wishes, Kari <3

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Can we like walk on the grass?"

Ahhhhhhhhhh! Okay sorry, i'm hyper. My family sent me some candy.... and lets just say, I ate a little too much already :) I really miss American candy.... Here the candy is not as good. :(
  This is my candy stash.... It's really sad that I hide this in my closet.... but hey, I'm American. It's socially acceptable to have a candy addiction in America :)

Other than candy, I eat a gazillion pounds of gelato a week. I don't have a picture but I will post one soon. It literally is the most delicious thing EVER created. I usually go with the other exchange students, who I happen to LOVE! I know I talk about them alot, but if you met them... you woould understand. We walk around town laughing at everything, like the annoying Americans we are, and I LOVE it sooooo much! Here are some pictures of the coolest people in Italy ;)
 This is Tessa, who is the most amazing singer I know, like no joke. She sang at a concert at church club and I was blown away. She is a very unique person and I have grown to love her. It's amazing the different people you meet from all over. And the guy is DeWayne. He is easily the ditziest (spelled wrong) guy I know, but in a completely good way. He kills me. I laugh so hard at the things he says. One day we are making a video of all the things he says... then you will understand.
 Gosh, I love this picture SO much! It seriously is this beautiful.... Not edited.... No joke. It still takes my breath away. But anyways, these three girls are also equally amazing. Abbey, on the left, does'nt live in Cremona, but the one day we got to hang out showed me how awesome of a person she is. She seriously is so easy going and totally up for anything and I love that about her. She is super pretty too. Sorry if that was creepy ;) lol. The girl on my right is Kayleigh. She is the one I spend most of my time with and is easily the funniest girl I have met yet. She never stops cracking jokes and I die everytime I am with her. She is the person i go to when i am homesick because she can literally make me laugh histerically, no matter the situation. The girl on the far right is Regan. I love Regan. She is my age and super easy to get along with. She understands me so well and I love that about her. We are superrrr weird together and it is awesome. I can already tell we are gonna be superrrr close.
 This picture describes our relationship.... and now you can see their faces :) Far left, Regan, Middle, Kayleigh, Right Abbey :) LOVE THEM!

And now for a few funny pictures.... To show you how Americans act in Italy... :)
 Self- Explanitory I think... :) Yes we do this many statues....
 When DeWayne saw the moon for the first time since being here... And it was only like 6pm.... But yes, he was really this excited.... LOL.

I don't really have anymore funny pictures at the moment, maybe because I am too lazy to search... :) Oh well. You will get more later I am sure :) I really don't have much else to say except I love it so much here, and I thank God every single day for this incredible opportunity.... I could really not be more lucky. Thanl you for reading and come back soon :) Love you all and miss you always! <3
With love and the best wishes, Kari, your Italian amica <3

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Short and Sweet :)

Okay, I am bored so I am gonna post... I just wanted to make a short blog about all the friends I have made! My main group of friends is the exchange students! I love them so much! They are so funny and I literally am never bored when I am with them! The other day, me and three other foreigns ;) went to the city center and literally just sat there and laughed for an hour! It was awesome and by far the best time I have had here yet. They understand what I am going through and it makes me feel so close to them! Tomorrow we are going shopping :) We always drag the only two guys with us too, which I am sure they LOVE! They always do girly stuff with us because otherwise they would do nothing.

Other than exchangers, I have made some Italian friends. The ones in my class are super sweet and help me out alot. Which I greatly appreciate. And my host sisters friends always invite me to do things. So I am never really bored after school. I love going out and exploring and it is so much easier with Italians! Lol! Well It is Skype time. So that was my short and sweet post. Ciao and Grazie <3

Monday, September 17, 2012

Better late than never :)

Okay guys, I am doing it. I am finally posting a blog with PICTURES! I may not put descriptions for everyone and if you have questions, ask... I will post a lot, but Facebook has even more, so go crazy! I am currently sitting on my balcony. I love being out here. It is so nice to chill and be outside. I guess now would be a good time for some pictures... So here are some of my house :)  This is my closet! I share it, but I love it :)

 This is my bed and I share my room with my host sister, so it is her bed too!

And these are the doors from the balcony into my room :)

I don't have a ton of the house and I don't want to bore you with a ton of details. But I love my house and I feel at home with my host family! In my host family I have a host sister, Veronica, who is my age and is currently in Atchison, Kansas on exchange :) I ave a younger host sister Irene, she is 11. I also have three host brothers! One is 12, Corrado, one is 15, Damiano, and Stefano is 4 months old :) I LOVE having a baby in the house. He is so cute and I love to play with him! I also have two host parents! Simonetta and Roberto Vitali!

This first picture is baby Stefano :) He is currently crying... lol. :)

Here is the rest of the family, minus my host dad! From left to right, Damiano, Corrado, Simonetta, Irene, me and baby Stefano :) They are super sweet and these last two weeks getting to know them, have been awesome! :)

Okay, moving on! I have made quite a few friends since I have been here also! A lot of my host sister, Veronica's friends have been coming over to hang out with me and it is really nice to know some Italians! I also have met all the other exchange students and I love them so much! We have done alot of Rotary stuff since we hve been here, and although it isn't always the most exciting thing, I always have fun with them! I feel so close to all of them, even after only two short weeks. Yesterday the exchange students went to Salo, Italy for our orintation meeting and it was so much fun! I have never been to a more beautiful place! It is on Lake Garda, which you have to google! Because words cannot describe just how breathtaking it is. I count my blessings everyday knowing I get to wake up in one of the most beautiful places on earth! But anyways, at this orientation meeting we walked around Salo and visited some dead poets house... I don't know who he is because I have the attention span of a peanut. So if you are super interested I am sure you can like google it ;) I apologize for the little info I can give! The meeting was fun and I got to speak English all day which was a plus! So now I will post some pictures of yesterday and a few with my friends! <3

All the girl exchange students! In beautiful Salo! :)

The view. It looks like a painting.

When exchange students see a naked statue... :)

Some of the Italian girls! :)

Alright, I have to go because I have been on WAY too long! I will update soon! See you later ;) CIAO!