Sunday, December 16, 2012

Aspetta per un settimana piu

ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL WINTER BREAK! Unless we die before then, Mayan probs..... But you will have to wait until then for an update cause I dont have much time and not much to say yet! So give me a week! <3 Sorry for the wait!

Love you all! Ti voglio bene <3

P.S. <3 <3 <3 mi dispiace.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Therapy of Writing

When someone iss stressed they typically do something to get all their worries off their mind. Maybe they run, sing, dance, act, or simply read a book to feel better. I was always told as a child that writing your feelings could help in that they wouldn't build up into one big issue. I of course, being the stubborn girl I am, never listened. So now here I am, after having a slight nervous breakdown, writing on my blog because it makes me feel better.

Now don't worry, I am not going crazy and I also have no intentions of making this a lasting feeling. I am just super stressed as many exchange students get during this time of year. Maybe you all don't understand in that you all have not left home for a year, or maybe some of you have and you completely understand. I am not sure, but either way, writing is my way to deal with the stress and that is exactly what I am doing. I was also told by some of my friends that I needed to share my thoughts and feelings and although I have always been good at that verbally, I have never been one to want to share my writing. I feel like it is easier to be judged when the person isn't looking you in the eyes and really knowing your feelings. So I am trying my best to explain these feelings in my writing.

Another reason I am writing is because I have not updated in so long and I know you all just hate having nothing to read ;) I hope you can sense the sarcasm in that. My life may seem quite interesting, and well to be quite honest, it is, but it is definitely no Nicholas Sparks novel and I am sure that this can get quite boring to all of you. This post won't be much of an update, but more of a venting session in which I practically talk to myself. Maybe you are reading up to here and realize this has no importance to you, and that is totally okay with me! Feel free to stop at anytime, no harm done!

Now I am sure my mother and my counselors are reading this and thinking, oh goodness, Kari is going crazy, but I promise you all I am fine :) Life couldn't be any better and I love Italy more than I ever thought I could. But with Christmas coming up, it is definitely hard not to think about homem and my family. Every exchange student gets this way, and I have been told it is completely normal, so no worries. I would never even consider coming home at this point because I love it so much, I am not sure I ever want to come back. Mom this should be a bigger concern to you ;) So in this next few minutes I will try to explain to all of you the feelings any typical exchange student is going through right now, as I have seen in myself and other students here in Cremona and all over the world.

1) Proud that they have lasted 3 months. Who would have ever thought you could get on a plane and just leave your life and everything you have ever known for a year full of unexpected twists and turns. And now that I have been here for three months, I see how much stronger I have become and it makes me a little self proud... but I promise I am not getting an ego ;)

2) Scared to death. Anyone who has left home for any amount of time gets a little nervous knowing it will be some time before they see their loved ones again. Especially when they miss a big event such as a holiday or birthday. I have already missed a few holidays and birthdays, including my own and that can definitely cause some stress. Exchange students are scared that they will miss out on an important family tradition or event that maybe they will never get the chance to witness simply because it was a once in a lifetime thing.

3) Excited. I know I am excited to see what the next seven months has to offer, as I am sure every other student is.

4) Homesick. Only to the slightest because maybe now we are realizing that we are missing out on Christmas at home... something some people may take forgranted. But then again, it is hard to be TOO homesick because well... I live in Italy. I love you all though and don't think this means that I don't miss you all ;)

5) TOO MANY EMOTIONS FOR ANY ONE HUMAN BEING. Sorry for all the caps... I just needed to emphasis this point ;) I swear I go through about 35 emotions in any given day, and I didn't even know that was possible. But again, I am still overwhelmingly lucky and happy to be here.

I only listed a few emotions... but I am pretty sure number 5 gives you an idea on how difficult but also rewarding this experience is as a whole. So maybe this will give you an insight as to how our lives work. It isn't all travel and fun and games but the outcome is something I will NEVER regret and I know that this experience is only making me a better person, regardless of the challenges I have to overcome.

As I have said many many times, I am so very thankful for every single opportunity that was so graciously placed at my feet and I will rememeber these experiences, good and bad for the rest of my life. <3 Thanks for taking the time to read this incredibly long and maybe a tad insane post... Love and miss you all.

With much love and thanks, Kari Porter <3

P.S. Mom, I am fine and there is absolutely no need to worry, because I know you do that so very well ;)