Monday, February 4, 2013

Noi Siamo Infinito

Noi siamo infinito:
Direct translation: We are infinite
True meaning: This life is infinite. The memories made and the people we meet are infinite. We are leaving a mark on this world. We are changing it in ways we have never known. No matter how small our mark, it is a mark and it will be left for future generations.

Rotary Youth Exchange leaves a mark on this world. It changes lives.
Exchange students, no matter how small we may seem, are creating our fingerprint on this world.
We are changing our lives and our opinions of others. We are creating a path for future students, as the students in the past had for us.
We are normal, everyday people, with some not so everyday experiences.
We can only hope we have left our mark, no matter how small. Every single person's mark on this world is greater than themselves. It is greater than those who told them they couldn't. It is greater than the obstacles that stood in their way. Our mark is infinite. Noi Siamo Inifinito.

I have reached my halfway point. The point in my exchange where I am stuck in between the person I used to be and the person I am becoming. I hope that the person I am becoming is someone that people can be proud of. I pray that I am half the person my role models are. This year has been one hell of a whirlwind. I feel like Dorothy, and no, not because I am from Kansas. It's like that scene in the movie when she is on the Yellow Brick Road. She has met new people and her life has changed. She is no longer scared of the unknown. When I stepped off that plane just 5 short months ago, I was scared out of my mind. I was definitely not in Kansas anymore. I didn't know what was to come. Everyone and everything was so strange. I couldn't understand anything and everyone looked at me strange. Now I am at that part in my exchange where I understand what is happening, I expect certain things to happen, but I know to never be surprised by the unexpected. I am growing and learning. I am creating new memories everyday and having experiences unlike any other.

But I am also at that point where I am scared out of my mind. I am scared of what is next. In 5 short months I will be on my way home. I will be leaving what I have known for one year, with the intentions of using it to better my future. This is scary because I don't know when I will be back. I will never get these moments back. They will soon become just a memory. Getting on the plane to come here was hard, but I knew I would be coming back. Leaving will be nearly impossible... because I am leaving everything, not knowing what is next.

However, now I have realized what this year means. It means a step towards my future. A step towards becoming who I am supposed to be. I am finding myself. I am beginning to leave my mark. I may not know who I am yet, or who I want to be, but I know one thing, I know I have time to get there. Life is full of opportunities. It is a never ending battle. And most importantly, it is beautiful.

Trying to put this experience into perspective is nearly inpossible. There are no words to describe it. I have realized that no matter how hard I try, this is greater than I can imagine. This is one thing that leaves me speechless. This year is something no one can put into words. 1000 pictures and smiles tell a story, and a picture may be worth a thousand words. But there are no words. I am forever changed. 5 months left and I am already a completely new person. One I hope my family and friends are proud of.

These are my feelings on this halfway mark. I am not sure how else to say it. And I hope that this gives you insight. To everyone out there who is still unsure of what's next, just remember, no matter what is next, your mark on this world is special. You have changed this world in one way or another and no one can take that away. We are infinite. Our memory is infinite.

Moving on: Okay, the part where I try to explain my feelings to you is over. I am sure you are all so happy. I will post a few pictures of this past month. Enjoy! <3

Night out with the girls :) This is at a disco in Cremona. I will miss discos when I get home. Maybe I will make one in someone's garage or something. Any takers? ;)

This basically explains me and Regan.... This is what we do when we are bored... :)

Our attempt to be photographers, its a new thing.

A picture from Lago D'Isola, where I went with my host parents the other weekend.

A medieval town near my town. It had snowed a lot and it was beautiful.

Thanks for reading. Love you all! <3 -Kari <3