Thursday, July 26, 2012


Okay, this video is SUPPERRR awkward... lol. I didn't have much to say, but I thought I would try it out! <3 Kari

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Getting Closer!

UPDATE TIME!!!!! I haven't updated in a lonnnngggg time and I have SO much to say! The money is fundraised, the visa application has been sent, the family has been picked, and i'm TWO MONTHS AWAY! I am getting so excited but super nervous at the same time. I am scared to leave but could not be more excited to go. I will be living in Cremona, Italy with the Vitali family whose daughter is coming to Kansas while I am living in her house! It will be so exciting.

I can't wait until I actually have pictures to post and stories to tell. I leave September 2nd and until then it is just waiting time. I am trying to spend as much time with my loved ones as possible because leaving them is going to be the biggest challenge next year. It isn't even next year....hahaha. It's crazy to think that. Anyways... I am on vacation in Omaha with the family so I am gonna go. But I will post some pictures of Cremona first!

This is the town! The church is in the center and I live very close to it! I cannot wait!!!

This is a church in the center of the town. The town has about 70,000 people, including me in just two short months :)

I have to go! Ciao and Grazie! -Kari Porter <3